16. February 2025

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Pathology Resident Wiki   

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Pathology links. Libre Pathology
Eric`s Pathology Links 
WebPath contains pathology images, text, examinations, and tutorials for medical … 
Den norske patologforening 
“Det meste fra og med 2011”
Histoteknikerforeningen, Norge
Dansk patologiselskab DPAS
SvFP är Sveriges specialistförening inom patologin
Finsk patologforening. 
European Society of Pathology, ESP
Deutsche Gesellscaft fur Pathologie
Royal College of Pathologists



The International Academy of Pathology (IAP)






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Her er en liste over noen av de beste nettstedene relatert til patologi:

  1. American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP): https://www.ascp.org/
  2. College of American Pathologists (CAP): https://www.cap.org/
  3. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP): https://www.uscap.org/
  4. European Society of Pathology (ESP): https://www.esp-pathology.org/
  5. International Academy of Pathology (IAP): http://www.i-a-p.org.uk/
  6. National Cancer Institute: https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/diagnosis-staging/pathology
  7. National Library of Medicine: https://medlineplus.gov/pathologyandlaboratorymedicine.html
  8. Pathology Outlines: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/
  9. World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/health-topics/pathology#tab=tab_1.


Her er en liste over noen av de beste nettstedene relatert til patologi i Norge:

  1. Patologisk institutt, Oslo universitetssykehus: https://ous-research.no/forskningsgrupper/patologisk-institutt
  2. Institutt for patologi, St. Olavs hospital: https://www.ntnu.edu/employees/ronny.erichsen
  3. Avdeling for patologi, Haukeland universitetssykehus: https://www.helse-bergen.no/avdelinger/medisinsk-klinikk/patologi
  4. Institutt for klinisk patologi, Rikshospitalet: https://www.rr-research.no/forskningsgrupper/klinisk-patologi
  5. Norsk Patologforening: https://patologforeningen.no/
  6. Norsk Forening for Klinisk Patologi og Cytologi: http://www.nfkpc.no/.


Her er en liste over noen av de beste nettstedene relatert til patologi i Skandinavia:

  1. Patologisk institutt, Oslo universitetssykehus: https://ous-research.no/forskningsgrupper/patologisk-institutt
  2. Institutt for patologi, St. Olavs hospital: https://www.ntnu.edu/employees/ronny.erichsen
  3. Avdeling for patologi, Haukeland universitetssykehus: https://www.helse-bergen.no/avdelinger/medisinsk-klinikk/patologi
  4. Institutt for klinisk patologi, Rikshospitalet: https://www.rr-research.no/forskningsgrupper/klinisk-patologi
  5. Norsk Patologforening: https://patologforeningen.no/
  6. Norsk Forening for Klinisk Patologi og Cytologi: http://www.nfkpc.no/
  7. Sveriges Patologförening: https://www.patologforeningen.se/
  8. Dansk Patologisk Selskab: https://www.danskscope.dk/foreninger/dansk-patologisk-selskab
  9. Finnish Pathology Society: https://pathology.fi/en/.


Her er en liste over nettsteder som omhandler patologi, inkludert blogger:

  1. American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Blog: https://www.ascp.org/blog
  2. Pathology Outlines Blog: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/blog.html
  3. Pathology Student Blog: http://pathologystudent.com/
  4. Pathology & Microbiology Blog: https://pathmicro.wordpress.com/
  5. The Pathology Guy: http://thepathologyguy.com/
  6. Practical Pathology Blog: https://practicalpathology.com/category/blog/
  7. Pathology Case of the Month: http://pathologycaseofthemonth.com/
  8. Pathology & Laboratory Medicine International: http://plmj.org/category/blog/.


Her er en liste over noen patologiblogger i Norge med https:

  1. PathoBloggen (https://pathobloggen.no/)
  2. Patologi og diagnostikk (https://patologi-diagnostikk.no/)
  3. Patologpraktiske notater (https://patologpraktiske-notater.no/)



“Under konstruksjon fra gammel liste”. Beklager den utdaterte listen!

Medical College of Virginia. Department of Pathology
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Telepathology consultation service, online CME credit, tutorials and atlases standard consultation guidelines and AFIP ; course and workshop information. Unfortunately discontinued.
Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge
Case Western Reserve University, Institute of Pathology
Duke University, pathology
The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education Hosted By The University of Utah Eccles Health Sciences Library
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical/ Cancer Center
U. of Pitt. Dept of Pathology Home Page
New York University
Case Western Reserve University, Institute of Pathology
The Lightning Hypertext Informatics. Inc. / Søke patologi artikler / Pathology Informatics. Inc.
Johns Hopkins
Stanford University
Yale University
University of Texas, Houston
University of Wisconsin Medical School Pathology Course
Necker Hosptial, Paris, France
University of Rochester
University of Pittsburgh
Sloan – Kettering Cancer Center
University of Washington Pathology
University of Minnesota
Pathology-Nephrology–Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: Home Page
University of Illinois, Urbana, Atlas of Pathology
Pittsburgh Medical Center, Department of Pathology, USA
Web Path, University of Utah, USA
U of Florida Department of Pathology
Cardiovascular Pathobiology
Hunter Area Pathology Service, New South Wales
Cardiovascular Pathology, Volume 2
Duke University Pathology
Virtual Spanish American Congress of Anatomic Pathology
Renal biopsy Case Reviews
University of California, San Francisco, Department of Anatomic Pathology
San Francisco General Hospital, Department of Anatomoc Pathology
USUHS Pathology
Brain Tumor Center at Massachusetts General Hospital
Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology on the Internet
Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology
The Virtual Gastro- Intestinal Endoscopic Biopsy Course, AFIP, USA
Atlas of Liver Pathology, University of Iowa,USA
The Gade Institute, Bergen, Norway
Department of Pathology, Uppsala University
National SIDS Autopsy Protocol and Database Autopsy
Department of Pathology, San Francisco General Hospital
University of Wisconsin – Medical School, Pathology 703
Yale Pathology
Case Index by Patient Diagnosis, University of Pittsburg, Department of Pathology
University of Newcastle, U.K., (gopher)
GI and Liver Pathology Extravaganza, University of Michigan
GynWeb, breast and cervical lesions, searchable, French and English
Breast Cancer Information Core
Adam Mickiewicz University, Department of Pathology
Pathology Simplified
UCLA Pathology Dept.
University of Rochester medical center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Udine, PathPuzzle, Italy
Medical Pathology, UC Davis
Cambridge Clinical School, Online Atlas
Pathology Sources
Australian Pathology Services
University of Michigan Department of Pathology
University of Udine, Departmemt of Mrdical and morphological research, Italy
Universidad de Navarra, Spain
University of California, San Francisco Anatomic Pathology
Ed’s Pathology Links. Links to Pathology Atlases and Images. Maintained by Dr. Ed Friedlander.
Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology on the Internet.
Associated Regional University Pathologists (ARUP). Commercial link. Reference Laboratories.
Gyn Web (Searchable database of breast and cervical lesions)
Ophthalmo Web
GI and Liver Pathology Extravaganza Dr. Joel Greenson, University of Michigan
Virtual GI Endocopic Biopsy Course
Bibliographic Guide to the History of Patholgy Edited by Prof. A. W. Bauer, Heidelberg
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Information Home Site
Rare Genetic Diseases in Children
Internet Autopsy Database
Useful Pathology Education Centred Web Sites:
Virtual MC Marrtindale´s Health Science Guide for Pathology at the “Virtual” Medical Center
MedWeb Comprehensive pathology resources list maintained by Emory University Health Sciences Library
WebPath Extensive collection of high quality pathology images with descriptions, tutorial and examination questions from the University of Utah
Med Asylum An indexed atlas that combines images from a number of different pathology departments

The Virtual Hospital Pathology teaching files, multimedia textbooks and clinical pathology material being developed at the University of Iowa

UPMC Case Studies Anatomic and clinical pathology database of case studies, some with CME credit, provided by the University of Pittsburgh
NCI PDQ The National Cancer Institutes tumor staging and treatment reference for an exhaustive list of cancer diagnoses
MBCR Molecular Biology Computational Resource at Baylor provides a useful guide to online genetics sequence data
TPIS Transplant Pathology Internet Service with useful reference and collaboration functions for transplant physicians
NYU Case Studies Hematopathology and aspiration cytology case studies provided by New York University
Cyberspace Hospital and Medical School. The Pathology Department is on the 2nd floor
University of Illinois, Urbana Urbana Atlas of Pathology. Large collection of digitized photomicrographs.
  • Cytologi/ Cytology
NYU Breast FNA Case Studie
Cervical Cancer Fin oversik!
Pap Smear or Pap Test for Patients
CytoLink. The virtual cytology resource center
Fine Needle Aspiration of Breast
AFIP Cytology Study Sets
Uni of Pittsburgh Medical Centre. Patholohy Case Database
Medical Images on the Internet
Cytopathnet. The first WWWsite for cytopathology
Australian Society of Cytology Inc.
Cytotechnology Home Page
  • Organizations and Journals
International Pathology A News Bulletin The International Academy of Pathology
  • Diskusjonsforum/ Newsgroups
Medisin, norsk
Sci. med. diseases, Lyme


HelseWEB (Finn Skogstad)
Norwegian links, medical
VentelistedataSSBs statistikker for helse/ sosiale forhold
Kvalitetshåndbok for samfunnsmedisin på Internett. Referanse- og oppslagsstoff.
Medisinsk fagbibliotek, Oslo Universite
HMS Beagle Biomednets tidsskrift. Daily Research News
Medical Link Homepage
Medicinsk Information
Learning in Medicine Conference
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Skin and Connective Tissue Diseases Fra Karolinska Institutet
Uni- Erlangen. Rikt billedmateriale innen hudfaget
Jonathan Tward´s Multimedia Medical Reference Library
Den Norske Kreftforening
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, HeidelbergAbteilung Histodiagnostik und Pathomorphologische Dokumentation
German Cancer Research Center
Tumorregister München
SNOMED, norsk kodeverk i patologi
Den norske Lægeforening, The Norwegian Medical Assosiation
Svenska Läkaresällskapet
Scandinavia Online, Medisin
Doctor online
Medweb: Biomedical Internet Resources
U.S. National Libary of Medicine. Hyper DOC
Morbidity and Mortality A weekly report
Doctor’s guide
HJULET Statistisk sentralbyrå. Samling av informasjon om kommunene i Norge
Kvalitetshåndbok, samfunnsmedisin
Sosial- og Helsedepartementet
Karolinska Institutet
Anatomisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo
Instituttgruppe for medisinske basalfag
Medicinska resurser på Internet (svensk)
  • Universiteter/ Høgskoler/ Utdannelse – Norge/ Utlandet
Universitetet i Oslo
Det Medisinske Fakultet i Oslo
Universitetet i Bergen
Det Medisinske Fakultet i Bergen
Universitetet i Trondheim
Det Medisinske Fakultet i Trondheim
Universitetet i Tromsø
Fagområdet Medisin i Tromsø
Uppsala University
Swedish University Network
University of Minnesota
New York University
University of Florida
University of California, Davis
Tulane University
University of Alberta
University of British Columbia, Vancouver
University of Indiana
Unviersity of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
University of Michigan
University of Tennessee
University of Virginia
University of Oklahoma
University of Vermont
University of Southern California (USC)
University of Saskachewan, Canada
University of Newcastle
University of Cambridge, U.K.
University of Dundee, U.K.
University of Nottingham, U.K.
University of Liverpool, U.K.
Universiteter i verden
Uninett, Uni./ Høyskoler
Utdanning for studenter i utlandet
Medisinske skoler
Forelesningskatalogen, Oslo Universitet
Æsculap Tidsskriftet til Norsk Medisinstudentforening
Medical Humor Page
  • Sykehus Norge/ Utlandet
Det Norske Radiumhospital
Ullevål sykehus
Haukeland sykehus
Karolinska Institutet – External Service


Statistisk sentralbyrå Gopher Meny – The Well

World Birthday Web (WBW)

Nobel Prize Internet Archive.

UM Weather

Destination Guide, Excite




Pathology – Links

Medical College of Virginia
Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge
Case Western Reserve University, Institute of Pathology
U. of Pitt. Dept of Pathology Home Page
Case Western Reserve University, Institute of Pathology
Johns Hopkins
Stanford University
Yale University
University of Rochester
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Medical Center, Department of Pathology, USA
Web Path, University of Utah, USA
Hunter Area Pathology Service, New South Wales
Brain Tumor Center at Massachusetts General Hospital
Case Index by Patient Diagnosis, University of Pittsburg, Department of Pathology
University of Rochester medical center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Udine, PathPuzzle, Italy
Medical Pathology, UC Davis
Cambridge Clinical School, Online Atlas
Pathology Sources
Australian Pathology Services
University of Michigan Department of Pathology
University of Udine, Departmemt of Medical and morphological research, Italy
Universidad de Navarra, Spain
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Information Home Site
UPMC Case Studies Anatomic and clinical pathology database of case studies, some with CME credit, provided by the University of Pittsburgh
NCI PDQ The National Cancer Institutes tumor staging and treatment reference for an exhaustive list of cancer diagnoses
Cytologi/ Cytology
Uni of Pittsburgh Medical Centre. Patholohy Case Database
  • Organizations and Journals
  • Diskusjonsforum/ Newsgroups
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Telemedisin
  • Flow cytometry
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories Information Network
  • Annen helseWWW
Mayo Clinic
World Health Organization
Oncolink, University of Pennsylvania
Cancer Guide. Basic Information on Cancer
The National Cancer Institute
Yahoo: Health
Cancer News on the Net


  • Sykehus Norge/ Utlandet


Statistisk sentralbyrå Gopher Meny – The Well

UM Weather

VG Nett
Nasjonale databasetjenester, Hovedoppgaver, Doktoravhandlinger o.l. i Norge
The Amazon bookstore, verdens største bokhandel. 2,5 millioner boktitler
USA-today, medisin, også avisen USA- today ( se nederst på USA siden)

  • Reise o.l.